Select your edition

Simply determine how many output channels you need.
  • All editions come with the full feature set, even the free edition.
  • You can always upgrade if you need more channels later.

Wähle deine Edition

Ermittle einfach, wie viele Ausgabekanäle du brauchst.
  • Alle Editionen bieten den vollen Funktionsumfang, auch die kostenlose.
  • Du kannst jederzeit upgraden, wenn du mehr Kanäle benötigst.

Scegli la tua edizione

Ti basta scegliere il numero di canali in uscita che ti servono.
  • Tutte le edizioni includono l’intera serie di funzioni, anche l’edizione gratuita.
  • Puoi sempre eseguire l'aggiornamento se ti occorrono più canali in seguito.

Your Selection

Lightkey license for 256 DMX channels

Order Details

Contact Information

Double check that you've entered your email address correctly. We will send order information to it.

Mailing Address

Payment Method

What you get

After buying you receive a license key which activates Lightkey on your Mac. It’s valid for one year and all updates and support are free during this time. You can move the license between computers easily and as often as you like.

Try before you buy

You can easily give Lightkey a try with the free edition. All features are available, only DMX output is limited to 24 channels. If that’s not enough, contact us for a one-week free trial.

Renew your license

To renew your license, simply buy a new license in our online store. You don’t need the old license key or the associated email address. If your old license is still valid, enter its expiration date in the License Begin field to prevent an overlap. Learn more…

Upgrade at any time

You can always upgrade to a higher edition. Contact us and we’ll send you a coupon for a discount on a new, one-year license. For example, if you upgrade after six months, the discount is half the original price.

Tax exemption

If you’re buying on behalf of an organization that is exempt from U.S. sales tax, we can either refund the tax after the purchase or create a custom order that excludes tax. Please contact the FastSpring team at and include a copy of your tax exemption certificate.

Problems buying?

For questions about buying and payments, the FastSpring team is ready to help at

1 Lightkey 4 is required to output 4096 DMX channels. Earlier versions can output up to 2048 channels.
Was du bekommst

Nach dem Kauf erhältst du einen Lizenzschlüssel, der Lightkey auf deinem Mac aktiviert. Er gilt für ein Jahr, und alle Updates sowie der Support sind in dieser Zeit kostenfrei. Du kannst die Lizenz einfach und beliebig oft auf andere Computer umziehen.

Probier’ es aus

Du kannst Lightkey einfach mit der kostenlosen Edition ausprobieren. Alle Funktionen sind verfügbar, lediglich die DMX-Ausgabe ist auf 24 Kanäle begrenzt. Wenn das nicht genügt, kontaktiere uns für eine einwöchige kostenlose Probelizenz.

Lizenz erneuern

Um deine Lizenz zu erneuern, kaufe einfach eine neue Lizenz in unserem Online Store. Der alte Lizenzschlüssel oder die verwendete E-Mail-Adresse werden nicht benötigt. Wenn die alte Lizenz noch gültig ist, gib ihr Ablaufdatum im Feld „Lizenzbeginn“ ein, um eine Überschneidung zu vermeiden. Weitere Infos …

Jederzeit upgraden

Upgrades auf eine höhere Edition sind jederzeit möglich. Schreib uns und wir senden dir einen Code, mit dem du eine Gutschrift beim Kauf einer neuen Lizenz erhältst, die dann wieder ein volles Jahr gültig ist. Zum Beispiel beträgt die Gutschrift nach sechs Monaten die Hälfte des ursprünglichen Kaufpreises.

Probleme beim Kauf?

Bei Fragen rund um Kauf und Zahlung hilft dir das Team von FastSpring auf

1 Zur Ausgabe von 4096 DMX-Kanälen wird Lightkey 4 benötigt. Frühere Versionen können bis zu 2048 Kanäle ausgeben.
What you get

After buying you receive a license key which activates Lightkey on your Mac. It’s valid for one year and all updates and support are free during this time. You can move the license between computers easily and as often as you like.

Try before you buy

You can easily give Lightkey a try with the free edition. All features are available, only DMX output is limited to 24 channels. If that’s not enough, contact us for a one-week free trial.

Renew your license

To renew your license, simply buy a new license in our online store. You don’t need the old license key or the associated email address. If your old license is still valid, enter its expiration date in the License Begin field to prevent an overlap. Learn more…

Upgrade at any time

You can always upgrade to a higher edition. Contact us and we’ll send you a coupon for a discount on a new, one-year license. For example, if you upgrade after six months, the discount is half the original price.

Problems buying?

For questions about buying and payments, the FastSpring team is ready to help at

1 Lightkey 4 è necessario per emettere 4096 canali DMX. Le versioni precedenti possono produrre fino a 2048 canali.